A Guide to Living Fully & Enjoying What You’ve Saved

We’ve all been there. You open your closet, rummage through the shelves, and find a beautiful, untouched scarf you bought ten years ago. “I’ll wear it someday,” you think, but that day never comes. Or perhaps you’ve been saving that special bottle of wine for a “big occasion” that remains perpetually on the horizon. Sound familiar?

As we move into our elderly age, we often find ourselves accumulating things—whether it’s money, souvenirs, or memories—waiting for the “right time” to use them. But what if that perfect moment is right now?

The Habit of Saving for ‘Someday’

Let’s be honest; saving for later has its perks. It’s the reason we have emergency funds, and that special box of chocolates no one else knows about. But there’s a flip side. Sometimes, in our quest to save, we miss out on the simple joys of life.

This tendency to hold off, especially as we age, can contribute to feelings of loneliness in old age. When we save our best for a future that may never come, we deny ourselves the pleasures of today.

Active Aging: The Art of Enjoying the Present

Active aging isn’t just about staying physically fit; it’s also about living fully in the moment. Growing older should be about cherishing each day, not stockpiling for an uncertain future. It’s about enjoying what you’ve worked so hard to accumulate, rather than letting it gather dust.

Consider this: What if we began to view our saved treasures not as items for “someday” but as gifts for today? This mindset shift can greatly improve our well-being, reducing anxiety in old age, and helping us to appreciate the life we have right now.

A Practical Example: The Unworn Dress

Let’s take the example of Janet, a vibrant 72-year-old with a closet full of unworn clothes. For years, she saved her nicest outfits for special occasions, which became fewer and farther between. Every time she passed by her closet, she felt a pang of regret—not because she had too much, but because she used so little.

One day, inspired by a friend’s advice, Janet decided to start wearing her best clothes every day. Out came the colorful dresses, the fancy shoes, and the scarves she had tucked away for years. The result? She felt more alive, more engaged, and more connected to the world around her. It was as if each outfit was a small victory, a reminder that life is worth celebrating every single day.

By using her cherished items now, Janet also found a new joy in giving. She started gifting some of her treasured possessions to loved ones, creating new memories and strengthening relationships. Her anxiety in old age diminished as she felt more in control of her life, more present, and happier.

The Tale of the Untouched Teapot

Let’s lighten the mood with a little humor. My dear friend Tom, a cheerful 80-year-old, once received a fancy teapot as a retirement gift. He was so fond of it that he decided it was too special to use. For years, the teapot sat on a shelf, admired but untouched.

One afternoon, Tom’s granddaughter asked if they could have a tea party. Tom hesitated but then thought, “Why not?” The teapot was finally put to use, and the tea party became a cherished memory.

Later, Tom joked, “I’ve had that teapot for years, and it turns out, it makes a pretty decent cup of tea!” This light-hearted experience taught Tom an important lesson: things are meant to be used, not just admired.

The Message: Start Living Fully Today

The lesson here is simple: Life is happening now. The things we save for later might never see the light of day if we keep waiting for the “perfect” moment. And as we age, the importance of enjoying each day becomes even more critical.

Growing older doesn’t mean putting life on hold; it means embracing it fully, with all its joys and challenges. Whether it’s wearing that fancy outfit, using the “good” china, or spending a little of that hard-earned money on something that brings you joy—do it now.

How to Apply This Lesson: A Call to Action

Here’s a simple exercise to bring this lesson into your daily life.

  1. Make a List: Go through your home and make a list of things you’ve been saving for “later.” This could be anything from that vintage bottle of wine to a long-forgotten hobby.
  2. Start Small: Pick one item from your list and use it today. Wear that special outfit, drink that fancy tea, or finally start painting with those expensive brushes you bought years ago.
  3. Share the Joy: Involve others in your newfound habit of enjoying the present. Invite a friend over to share that bottle of wine or have a virtual tea party with your grandchildren using your best china.
  4. Reflect: After you’ve used or enjoyed something, take a moment to reflect on how it made you feel. Did it bring you happiness, a sense of accomplishment, or even a good laugh?

By actively engaging with the things we have, we also engage more fully with life. This approach can help reduce feelings of loneliness in old age, as we find new ways to connect with ourselves and others.

So, don’t Wait—Celebrate Life Now

At the end of the day, life is too short to keep saving for later. Growing older gives us the wisdom to know that every day is precious, and it’s up to us to make the most of it. So, stop saving everything for a rainy day. Wear those clothes, use that teapot, and enjoy the fruits of your labor now.

Remember, active aging isn’t just about staying fit—it’s about living well and enjoying the journey. So, why wait? Start celebrating your life today. After all, you’ve earned it and every age is a CanDoAge!

What’s something you’ve been saving for “later”? Don’t wait—use it today and share your experience with others. Let’s inspire each other to live fully and embrace the joys of every moment!

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